
District Policy 3440 Student Feed, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property:

Within the concept of free public education, the District shall provide an educational program for the students as free of costs as possible.

A student may be charged a reasonable fee for any course or activity not reasonably related to a recognized academic and educational goal of the District or for any course or activity held outside normal school functions. The Board or its designee may waive the fee in cases of financial hardship.

The Board delegates authority to the Superintendent to establish appropriate fees and procedures governing the collection of fees and to make annual reports to the Board regarding fee schedules. Fees may be required for the actual cost of breakage and for excessive supplies used in courses such as commercial, industrial arts, music, domestic science, science or agriculture.

A student shall be responsible for the cost of replacing materials or property that are lost or damaged due to negligence. The District may require, as a condition of graduation, issuance of a diploma or certificate, or issuance of a transcript, that all indebtedness incurred by a student be satisfied, or that all books or other instructional material, uniforms, athletic equipment, advances on loans or other personal property of the District be returned.

  1. No fees will be charged for textbooks or workbooks for class use required by the School District.
  2. No fees will be charged in metals classes, shop or vocational agriculture for the use of acetylene, oxygen; and there will be no fee for classes in electricity.
  3. Students will be required to furnish paper and pencils and other items which are obtained on an individual basis.
  4. Resale items such as lumber, metal, arts or crafts items, all of which are voluntarily selected by students, will be handled on an individual school basis.
  5. Reasonable fees representing cost for duplicating and issuance will be charged after issuance of the first transcript of credits.
  6. Students who by choice go beyond the requirements of any course will be charged for additional materials.
  7. Students will be charged for extraordinary wear and tear, damage or breakage, or loss of school books and materials. No deposit, however, will be applied generally nor in advance. Building principals will judge this point to the best of their ability. In arriving at an assessment of damages, they will consider the age of the books or other items and endeavor to be reasonable in the charges.
  8. For reasons of personal health and hygiene each student will be required to furnish his own clothing and towels for physical education and athletic purposes.
  9. For reasons of personal health and safety each student will normally furnish his own equipment in band and orchestra classes. In order to provide variety of instrumentation, limited numbers of instruments will be available for students’ use under necessary regulations to assure health and safety.
  10. While student locker service will be optional, locks and lockers will be supplied for a yearly maintenance fee. This is to replace locks that require continual upkeep.