
School Operational Guideline Survey Results

Since the TFSD #411 created and adopted the reopening plan last summer, the guidelines from the SCPHD/CDC on the green protocols have changed. The current guidelines recommend that schools utilize face coverings regardless of the community risk level. Because this recommendation does not align with the current TFSD plan, the TFSD utilized a survey to gather input from parents, students, and staff staff members. 

Parent/Student Responses:

5 I strongly agree with this option
4 I agree with this option
3 I am neutral towards this option
2 I disagree with this option
1 I strongly disagree with this option


Staff Responses:

5 I strongly agree with this option
4 I agree with this option
3 I am neutral towards this option
2 I disagree with this option
1 I strongly disagree with this option

CLICK HERE to view the comments from the survey. 


Summary of all survey responses: