Negotiated Committees
The following committees have been established and are governed by the negotiations process:
- Calendar Review Committee
- Evaluation Committee
- Professional Leave Committee
- Certified Sick Leave Committee
- Insurance Committee
- Professional Advancement Committee
- Extra Duty Committee
- Leadership Committee
Sample Agenda
DUTIES: To approve credits that teachers and administrators take for advancement on the salary schedule as required for Idaho credentials. The committee member from each school brings any applications that they have received. The Association will appoint one person from each building in the District to serve on the Professional Advancement Committee with three representatives appointed by the Administration.
WHEN: Three or four times a year.
Co-chair: DO: Shannon Swafford TFEA: Debbie Stanger
DUTIES: To complete an annual review of the extra duty index, prepare recommendations for changes to be considered in negotiations as needed, and review applications for new requests for extra-curricular stipends. The committee shall consist of eight (8) people. The Association shall appoint two (2) people who already receive extra duty pay and two (2) who do not. The board shall appoint two (2) people directly involved in administering extra duty pay and two (2) who are not.
WHEN: February, before negotiations begin. The number of meetings varies from year to year, but from 2008-2010, the committee completed an extensive review of the extra-curricular activities so the current need is low.
Co-chair: DO: Ryan Bowman TFEA: Mike Wilkinson
DUTIES: Approve or deny requests submitted by TFSD sick leave bank members when they need to access additional sick leave. As stated in the CBA this committee shall be comprised of two (2) certified employees appointed by the TFEA and two (2) district representatives.
WHEN: As needed throughout the school year.
WHERE: By email.
Co-chair: DO: Shannon Swafford TFEA: Ammy Waters
DUTIES: To serve the certified and classified members of Twin Falls School District by receiving professional leave applications, and processing them according to the guidelines set forth in the collective bartering agreement. The Association shall appoint one person from each level (elementary, middle, and high school) to serve on a committee with one individual appointed by the Administration, who will establish guidelines for professional leave grants.
WHEN: Every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. The exceptions are: when there is a holiday or parent/teacher conferences that preclude the committee members from attending.
WHERE: Robert Stuart Middle School main faculty room.
Co-chair: DO: Shannon Swafford TFEA: Valerie VanLeeuwen
DUTIES: To gather information regarding the current laws and changes (including prices) that may affect the benefits package for the upcoming year. Suggestions are then used to create a recommendation for negotiations. The co-chairs of the committee will be the Director of Fiscal Affairs and a TFEA representative. The Committee will be a teacher representative from each building selected by the president of TFEA and District representation will include two principals and three classified employees.
WHEN: October through April, usually 3 to 5 meetings total, from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m.
Co-chair: DO: Bob Seamon TFEA: Peggy Hoy
DUTIES: To receive and share building input on the calendar for the upcoming year in order to create a draft recommendation for negotiations. The committee will consist of a teacher representative from each building appointed by the TFEA, a principal from an elementary, middle, and high school, the director of elementary programs, the director of secondary programs, board member, community relations specialist and a representative from the parent advisory committee (presidents of the PTA/O).
WHEN: October through April, usually 3 to 5 meetings total, from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m.
Co-chair: DO: Brady Dickinson TFEA: Pam Rahe
DUTIES: To review evaluation practices and any issues that may arise. The group completed extensive work on the Danielson model in the 2009-2010 school year. Every district has had to submit a plan for teacher and administrative evaluation processes to the state department for approval and the processes are becoming more and more consistent from district to district lessening the need for on-going changes. According to the CBA this committee will be comprised of: six teachers, including two elementary, two middle school, and two high school teachers appointed by the Twin Falls Education Association; an elementary administrator, a middle school administrator, and an high school administrator appointed by the Twin Falls School District Administration; and three district office administrators to include the Elementary Director, the Secondary Director and the Director of Support Services.
WHEN: The committee meets once at the beginning of the year and then as needed to review evaluation practices and any issues that may arise.
Co-chair: DO: LT Erickson TFEA: Peggy Hoy
DUTIES: The Elementary Leadership Premium Review Committee will review how these funds were used within the Twin Falls School District and analyze the effectiveness within the programs/activities financed by these funds.
WHEN: As needed
Chair: Teresa Jones Association Leader: David Gibson
DUTIES: The Secondary Leadership Premium Review Committee will review how these funds were used within the Twin Falls School District and analyze the effectiveness within the programs/activities financed by these funds.
WHEN: As needed
Chair: LT Erickson Association Leader: Mike Wilkinson