
Monday Schedule Change Survey Results

The TFSD surveyed staff members and parents to gather input on the best way to proceed.

In the Yellow Protocol Schedule, secondary teachers are being asked to keep online classes up to date as well as their face to face classroom. Due to the number of students out of school on any given day, and the fact the yellow schedule has all students in class, teachers are struggling to provide consistent, high-quality instruction in both face to face and distance formats. The goal is for students to easily transition between face to face and digital.

At the elementary level, teachers are not consistently required to deliver their class between both digital and face to face; however, absenteeism requires teachers to provide more of their curriculum to be completed at home.

As a district, it is important that we take steps to support our educators who in turn provide the learning resources to our students. We understand that making changes to the school schedule can cause challenges for families. Through this survey, we are hoping to gather data about parent preferences regarding the options.